&Quot;Structural Detailing in Concrete, 2nd Edition is essential reading for educators, designers, draftsmen and detailers and all others who have an interest in structural concrete work.
The first edition published in 2010. The response was encouraging and many people appreciated a book that was dedicated to quality management in construction projects.
This book helps you build a foundation in critical concepts and practices while tailoring traditional project management techniques to the construction management sphere.
The concepts of acoustics are exposed and applied in: room acoustics sound insulation in buildings noise control underwater sound and ultrasound Scientifically thorough, but with mathematics kept to a minimum, Acoustics is the perfect ...
This book provides a comprehensive reference to all aspects of a project to show you how green building concepts and principles apply throughout the design and construction process.
When first published, The Gift served as nothing less than an onslaught on contemporary political theory. This edition confirms the continuing relevance of Mauss's highly original perspective.