inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
This fully updated fourth edition includes the latest theories and innovative approaches for handling crisis and, unlike other crisis communication texts, explores how effective crisis communication can result in organizational opportunity, ...
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
Integrating work from organizational studies, social sciences, public relations, and public health, this book: Covers a broad range of crisis communication theories, including those relevant to emergency response, risk management, ethics, ...
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
This collection of essays extends the conversation on communication ethics and crisis communication to offer practical wisdom for meeting the challenges of a complex and ever-changing world.
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
Presents the best practices of crisis communication and emergency risk communication This book covers crisis communication strategies and focuses on practical applications for effective management.
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
This book is written for practitioners who are charged with creating and delivering risk messages to the general public; instructors who teach the following courses: Food Safety, Public Health, Health Communication, Risk Communication, ...
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
Yet, as a society, we rarely stop to appreciate the narratives that follow a crisis and their tremendous impact. This book examines the fundamental role that narratives play in catastrophic events.
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
Integrated Marketing Communications in Risk and Crisis Contexts is part of the Lexington Books Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) series.
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
Organizational crisis--varying from oil spills to Enron--is presented as a natural stage in organizational evolution, creating not only stress and threats but also opportunities for growth and development.
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
This book is written for practitioners who are charged with creating and delivering risk messages to the general public; instructors who teach the following courses: Food Safety, Public Health, Health Communication, Risk Communication, ...
inauthor:"Timothy L. Sellnow" from
최신 위기관리 전략을 정리한 개론서. 불확실성 관리, 효율적 위기 커뮤니케이션, 리더십 등 위기관리에 필요한 이론과 사례를 제시한다. 질병, 테러, 산업재해, 자연재해 같은 ...