inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
While covering cultural, organisational and personal sources of movements' power, the book emphasises the rise and fall of social movements as part of political struggle and as the outcome of changes in political opportunity structure.
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
The book focuses on the rise and fall of social movements as part of contentious politics in general and as the outcome of changes in political opportunities and constraints, state strategy, the new media of communication and transnational ...
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
This means that we cannot be satisfied with defining transnational activists through the ways they think. The defining feature of transnationalism in this book is relational, and not cognitive.
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
Drawing on many historical and contemporary cases, the book shows that similar principles describe and explain a wide variety of struggles as well as many more routine forms of politics.
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
Finally, overlaid on these two divisions are stylized theoretical traditions - structuralist, culturalist, and rationalist - that have developed largely in isolation from one another. This book was first published in 2001.
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
But for decades, these two strands of scholarship only dovetailed at their edges, in the work of a few far-seeing scholars. The fields began to more productively merge before and after the turn of the century.
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
This book contains the products of work carried out over four decades of research in Italy, France and the United States, and in the intellectual territory between social movements, comparative politics, and historical sociology.
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
This landmark volume brings together some of the titans of social movement theory in a grand reassessment of its status.
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
Examining major episodes of contention in American politics – from the Civil War era to the women's rights and civil rights movements to the Tea Party and Trumpism today – Sidney Tarrow tackles these questions and provides a new account ...
inauthor:"Sidney Tarrow" from
This book examines the development of the language of social movements, revolutions, and terrorism from the seventeenth century to the present and looks at the impact of events such as 9/11 and innovations such as the Internet and social ...