inauthor:"John Ray" from
This book tells the Stone's story, from its discovery by Napoleon's expedition to Egypt to its current--and controversial-- status as the single most visited object on display in the British Museum.
inauthor:"John Ray" from
"This book ... is the outcome of a rediscovery in the Bodleian library of a number of letters of John Ray ... which form a necessary supplement to the volume of The correspondence," edited by Edwin Lankester, 1848.
inauthor:"John Ray" from
Some of the figures profiled here are famous. Ray discusses Imhotep, whom he calls "Egypt's Leonardo"--the royal architect of the Step Pyramid, high priest of the sun cult, and a man of great medical skill.
inauthor:"John Ray" from
With new features such as expanded design guidelines and new information on international building standards, this tenth edition will keep architects and design professionals up to date with over 50 percent new material from the previous ...
inauthor:"John Ray" from
This book gives students their own new edition of this classic resource, skillfully abridged to include the information they need most.
inauthor:"John Ray" from
World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind.