inauthor:"Gary Cobb" from
In a unique complement of history, current events, Bible exegesis and numeric phenomena, this book examines the crisis in the world since 9/11 with challenging topics for all people of faith. (Christian)
inauthor:"Gary Cobb" from
Rapid Testing addresses the growing need for constant, early, and efficient testing in today's fast-paced software development environment.
inauthor:"Gary Cobb" from
Covers 277 species of nudibranch (in the broad sense, i.e. opisthobranchs) all found on the Sunshine Coast of southern Queensland, but most also found elsewhere in Australian seas and many occurring in the broader tropical Indo-West Pacific ...
inauthor:"Gary Cobb" from
This book covers a pro football fact that has been buried for years.
inauthor:"Gary Cobb" from
Undersea Jewels is a guide to the nudibranchs of south-eastern Queensland. The book is easy to use and, as these animals are among the most colorful and charismatic of marine creatures, a pleasure to peruse.