In The Dynamics of Genre, Dallas Liddle innovatively combines Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogic approach to genre with methodological tools from periodicals studies, literary criticism, and the history of the book to offer the first rigorous ...
Taking as his point of departure the competing uses of the critical term the materiality of writing, Daniel Hack turns to the past in this provocative new book to recover the ways in which the multiple aspects of writing now conjured by ...
Not only does such an annotated critical edition of Essays and Reviews indicate the impact that the volume had on Victorian society; it also sheds light on our own contemporary cultural institutions and controversies.
This extensively illustrated book is the first to draw almost exclusively on primary sources in family collections, public archives, and other depositories.
Christopher Decker's critical edition of the Rubaiyat is the first to publish all extant states of the poems and to unearth a full record of its complicated textual evolution.
This book will appeal not only to scholars in Victorian studies and women's studies but also to art historians, book collectors, museum curators, historians of horticulture, and anyone interested in nineteenth-century popular culture.
Federico (English, James Madison University) points out the creative, combative and contradictory nature of Corelli's participation in the culture, and argues that her attempts to create her own image illuminate continuing debates about ...