Written and edited by leading international authorities in the field, this book provides an in-depth review of knowledge of tuberculosis of the central nervous system, with emphasis on clinical, diagnostics, and therapeutic features.
Chapters explore areas including: Screenwriting histories and myths of the profession Screenwriting as creative labor Screenwriters’ working lives Screenwriting work and the how-to genre Screenwriting work and inequalities Drawing on ...
This work has been funded by NASA, NSF, USAID, the Moore Foundation, and other sources, and has resulted in over 100 publications in peer-reviewed scholarly outlets. /div
The oil palm is a remarkable crop, producing around 40% of the world’s vegetable oil from around 6% of the land devoted to oil crops. Conventional breeding has clearly been the major focus of genetic improvement in this crop.
The present volume is considered an introductory reader that deals with different forms of mass violence and genocide in Asia, discusses the perspectives of victims and perpetrators alike.
Drawing together historians, anthropologists, sociologists and geographers, this book critically explores experiences of labour mobility by Indigenous peoples and Pacific Islanders, including Māori, within Australia.