... Coleridge , Samuel Taylor . 1988. “ Fears in Solitude . ” In Poetical Works , ed . Ernest Hartley Coleridge , 259–60 . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Congar , Yves . 1997. Journal de la Guerre , 1914-1918 . Ed . Stéphane Audoin ...
The Power of Poetic Effort in the Work of George Herbert, George Whitefield, and C. S. Lewis John Piper. His close ... Samuel Taylor Coleridge , nineteenth- century poet and critic , wrote to a member of the Royal Academy , “ I find ...
... Works of John Burroughs . New Riverside Edition . With several portraits of ... IN , author of A Nameless Nobleman , " etc. With 20 exquisite full - page ... Samuel Taylor Coleridge . By ERNEST HARTLEY COLERIDGE . With 16 por ...
Rosemary Ashton explores the many facets of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's complex personality, by turns poet, critic, thinker, enchanting companion, feckless husband, fabled conversationalist and guilt-ridden opium addict.
... poetic effort is a way -a pervasively biblical way , a historically proven way — of seeing and savoring and ... IN : Author - House , 2007 ) , ix . 8 Samuel Taylor Coleridge , quoted in Bottrall , George Herbert , 145 . 9 T. S. ...
... WORKS OF SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE . Just published , 2 vols . fcap . 8vo . 128 . NOTES and LECTURES upon SHAKE ... Poetical and Dramatic Works . 3 vols . 15s . 2. The Poetical Works only , in 1 vol . 6s . 3. Aids to Reflection . 2 ...
... Samuel Taylor Coleridge . London : William Pickering , 1838 . Gilson , David . A Bibliography of Jane Austen ... Works of William Hazlitt Bibliography 197.