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inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
Samuel Maunder. wards returned to Seville , and there founded an Academy of Painting , and earned by his labours an ... in author- ship . He also obtained the appointment of examiner in mathematics and natural philo- sophy at the ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
A Dictionary of Universal Biography Samuel Maunder. OF MAN IS LIKE A NET , WHICH HOLDETH GREAT THINGS , AND LETTETH ... in author of " A Spanish and Arabian Gram- 1820 , Mr. Canning retired from office , that he might not have ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
... in author's collection . the History of England , but others soon followed , and by 1816 , twenty - two were in ... Samuel Maunder ( 1785-1849 ) . Though possibly originating in Winchester , Maun- der came from a Devonshire family ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
Samuel MAUNDER. THAT LAYETH HIS FAITH IN PAWN , BINDETH AIS SAFETY , HIS HONOUR , AND EVEN HIS SOUL H 303 FUL ... in author of several learned treatises , viz . , Cambridgeshire , in 1754. His father was a " On the Goths ; " " Ou ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
Samuel MAUNDER. wards returned to Seville , and there founded an Academy of Painting , and earned by his labours an ... in author- ship . He also obtained the appointment of examiner in mathematics and natural philo- sophy at the ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
Samuel Maunder Edmund William Hunt Holdsworth. A MANGO HUMMING - BIRD had , every day , | and all day long , been ... in author observes that the interior of flowers this manner , or dart on invisible wing dia- is almost always ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
... in author states that it was entirely calculated bonding the brickwork with the slabs . in duplicate , the types ... SAMUEL MAUNDER , and continued and completed by WILLIAM HUGHES , F.R.G.S. London : Longman and Co. 1856 . THIS new ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
... SAMUEL MAUNDER , and Frontispiece . 10. cloth ' ; 12s . bound . [ On 5th March . in Author of " The Treasury of Knowledge . " Fcp , 8vo . Engraved Title Nos . III . to VI . BISHOP HEBER'S IN- DIAN JOURNALS . 2 vols . 10s . John Murray ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
... in Author of " The Treasury of Knowledge . " Fcp . 8vo . Engraved Title SPAIN . 58 . By the same Author , The ... SAMUEL MAUNDER , and Frontispiece . 10. cloth ; 12s . bound . Nos . III , to VI . BISHOP HEBER'S IN- DIAN JOURNALS ...
inauthor: Samuel Maunder from
... SAMUEL MAUNDER , Author of " The Treasury of Knowledge , ' " Scientific and Literary Treasury , " & c . London ... in Author of the " Encyclopædia of Geography , " with New Views , Maps , dc - KEY , 94 . INTRODUCTION to the above ...