Lisa Surridge specializes in Victorian fiction and culture. She also teaches legal writing to lawyers, judges, and prosecutors in workshops and seminars ...
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Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction. By Lisa Anne Surridge. About this book. Pages displayed by permission of Ohio University Press.
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Follow Lisa A. Surridge and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Lisa A. Surridge Author Page.
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Jul 17, 2023 · Bleak houses : marital violence in Victorian fiction. by: Surridge, Lisa A. (Lisa Anne), 1963-. Publication date: 2005. Topics: English fiction ...
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Lisa Surridge examines the early works of Charles Dickens and reads Dombey and Son and Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall in the context of the intense ...
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Lisa Surridge is a professor in the English department at University of Victoria - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
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Professor of English at UVic; specialist in Victorian fiction, especially illustrated serials; passionate teacher. University of Victoria english.
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Dec 7, 2015 · Lisa Surridge, who has written extensively on this work, extols it as “[forming] part of an emergent feminist cri- tique of marriage and marital ...
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Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction by Lisa Surridge (2005-11-10).
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