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inauthor: John Clifford from
... John Masefleld, Alfred Noyes and Alec Waugh, Mr. Richards was also the first ... in "Author Hunting; Memories of An Old Literary Sportsman" (Hamish ... Clifford that old Mac Kenzie had just returned to wor after an attack of ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... John Howson. on» .>f « roin- well'.- t-o!.im ' . ami a «5snor of < hurles 1 ... Clifford. \vho*e memory M pr< -or^isl hv a complimentary allusion in Hynm s ... in author led him to formulate tha pud tr th that "the man who ma»«m ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... John Long. The Terrible Choice. By Stephen Foreman. Is. London: John Long ... in? author sees the dawji of better /Urnc-n IB coming, The price of the ... Clifford Hallo, recounting tho adventures of his friend, Mi. Bedo Bentlcy ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... In Author Clifford's tale you meet Kenny Doyle, an ill, chilled and wan ... Clifford. Coward, McCann It Geof began fS.IS. GEOFFREY HOUSEHOLD has banged ... John Shaw is given the job of ferrying a new twin-engined plane from San ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... Clifford Howard; R. F. Fenno & Co.. New York; J. R. Weldin & Co.. Pittsburg ... in author. Charles Livingston Bull, pictures the tragedies of animal ... John Gap," is written with the auth- r's customary tragic power, while Mr ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... J. II. church will preach on the following subjects Sunday: 10:30 — a. m. — "Excelsior." 7:30— "Don't Lie". Frank Koepka succeeds John Franz as track walker of the Luke Shore railroad. It. IT Thompson is having a gas well drilleiljnear ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... in author, a college president, nnd in administrator He served mon- than ... Clifford Hill, orgnn:-t and r-holr duel-tor, is as fo"nws Prelude "Jei-u ... John S Hurt, Jr. assistant sistant t pastor to thu Hnv. Burtt N Timhlo. o ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... in author ity" Is worthy of note. "All that is exaggerated" he said, "is ... John Prlndle Scott. Mrs. Ilorr the club president then n called for the ... Clifford Home. Miss Kvo Sandrock and Mr Phillip l Clifford camo Saturday ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... in author of the best-selling "T h mention the more than 250,000 free ... Clifford Mansfield entertained Mrs. Nora Fulton and Miss Lillian Thenkston ... John Blgelow." , Business — Tlllie Lewis, presl-Jto. n.jdpnt of one of the ...
inauthor: John Clifford from
... John P. BussareUo. president , of UMW District 5, challenged 'statements by ... in author- He was a councilman since 336. ity aids the mine workers in '*r »i-ni'lfoH f«r HIA I ... Clifford C. £ol- miners can present their reasons '