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Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 01 "THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER" [936a49]
Mizzou - University of Missouri
To register for the 2015 course, visit PART ONE: THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDERIf you had to choose between (1) killing one person to save the lives of ...
1 day ago
Swiggy Food CEO Writes: Why the Hustle is No Virtue
Outlook Business
Hustle is no virtue to be preached or practised. It sounds more like a modern version of Jeremy Bentham's panopticon—where everyone is coerced to work or...
4 days ago
Seeing and Unseeing the Pyramids: Lee Miller in Egypt
UCL - London's Global University
Drawing of the Giza Pyramids by Flinders Petrie, 1880-1882. From Petrie Notebook 25 (Petrie Museum Archive 99-1-25). This exciting free display sheds light...
6 days ago
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
PETA, nongovernmental organization (NGO) committed to ending abusive treatment of animals in business and society and promoting consideration of animal...
5 days ago
Tuning justice through chords of criminal science
The Daily Star
Book Info. Handbook of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Victimology & Restorative Justice. Sheikh Hafizur Rahman Karzon. Dhaka: Hira Publication, 2016.
5 months ago
Et s’il était temps de libérer les enfants ? Enquête sur l’enfantisme
Philosophie Magazine
Alors qu'un nombre croissant de faits divers font état de situation de maltraitance des enfants, la société prend peu à peu conscience du fléau des viols...
4 days ago
Por uma nova cultura organizacional para a UFSC
*Por Fábio Lopes. A direção de centro é um posto de observação privilegiado da vida institucional na UFSC. O cargo permite vislumbrar simultaneamente quase...
6 days ago
Hacer simple lo complejo
El Nuevo Dia (Colombia)
Michael Sandel, el prestigioso filósofo de la Universidad de Harvard y flamante ganador del Princesa de Asturias 2018 en la categoría de ciencias sociales,...
5 days ago
Tag des Veganismus – Wem gehört das Fleisch?
Frankfurter Rundschau
Die rein pflanzliche Ernährung hat keinen guten Ruf – dabei hat sie Potenzial für eine Friedensutopie. Überlegungen zum Tag des Veganismus.
4 days ago
Menyoal Kabinet Panoptikon ala Prabowo
Pemerintahan Prabowo disebut memiliki kabinet yang terlalu besar. Namun, Prabowo bisa jadi memiliki kunci kendali yakni konsep "panoptikon".
4 hours ago