Was the conflict a moral war to end a democide during the sanctions era and to build a democracy? The national debate and the author's essays continued through the war and onto the era of a troubled 'peace' and national elections.
These are Gary Clifford Gibson's political and philosophical essays developing a contemporary historical analysis and synthesis of select American macro-social and international events of the years 1999 through 2002.
Thirty-five essays on philosophical questions raised by ordinary people with avocations in philosophy during the years 2008 and 2009. Gary C. Gibson brings an eclectic reply to common questions with uncommon answers.
The readings in works by W.V.O. Quine, Kripke, Gasperini, Plotinus and Biblical cosmology, along with much contemporary event analysis, comprised construction element-points of several of the philosophical essays written here.
Questions about the nature of the Universe, life and the relationship to God in the passage of space-time as an individual life grows through the physical process of life being a part of the process of the Universe.The works of Schopenhauer ...
Do the 'days' of Genesis represent time periods of uncertain extent in the form of literals as do algebraic literals represent variable numerical content?