David Mather Masson FRSE RSA, was a Scottish academic, supporter of women's suffrage, literary critic and historian. Wikipedia
Born: December 2, 1822, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Died: October 6, 1907 (age 84 years), Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Grandchildren: Flora Lovell Gulland and John Masson Gulland
Children: Flora Masson
Spouse: Emily Rosaline Orme (m. 1854)
Life of Milton
The Life of John Milton
Recent British Philosophy
Poetical Works: Edited, with Introd., Notes, and an Essay on Milton's English - Vol. 1
Carlyle: The Address Delivered by David Masson on Unveiling a Bust of Thomas Carlyle in the Wallace Monument
Macmillan's Magazine, Volume 37
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